The Truth and History of Astrology

The ancient interpretation of star placement in today’s culture

The 12 horoscopes correlate with different personality traits based on when a person was born.

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The 12 horoscopes correlate with different personality traits based on when a person was born.

Florence Cope, Variety Co-Editor

Astrology is the study of the relative positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and constellations. Astrologers then use that information to explain and predict personal and global events on Earth. While astrology is not a true science, there is a strong history of humans using the stars to explain their lives. Humans studied the star movements in Ancient Egypt when planning out crops, in Ancient China when predicting good and bad fortune, and in Ancient Babylon to determine where the gods were in the sky. The accumulation of the ideas came about from the conquering of Egypt by Alexander the Great, which helped to translate the ancient studies to the Greeks, who were very interested in divination using celestial bodies.  

The birth of zodiacs as we know them today occurred in Greece during the Hellenistic Period, creating 12-star signs that correlate with birthdays within a certain range of dates. While astrology was once a very definite belief, studies show that only about 33% of Americans truly believe in astrology.  

Many people believe zodiac signs are intentionally broad and therefore can be “accurate” for anyone. Jojo Lathem (12) feels that while astrology can make people feel better, there is no truth in it.

“I don’t believe in astrology as there is no evidence that it is true and all the statements are vague, but I do support it if it makes people feel better,” Latham said.

Cate Seegars (12) enjoys looking at horoscopes, whether it is just her sign or those of her friends.  

“I like looking at my zodiac sign and what it means because it reminds me of a personality quiz,” Seegars said. 

While zodiacs shouldn’t be used as a guide to live one’s life, they are often applicable and can be interpreted to fit one’s personal situation. Astronomer Sten Odenwald explains that the interpretation of zodiacs come from human tendency of self-selection, which picks the interpretation that one hopes to be true. 

“People magnify the positives, they forget the negatives, and that’s just how we’re designed,” Odenwald said to