Members of the Varsity Wrestling team celebrate their third place finish at the Regional meet.
Viking Wrestling Battles On
Motivation and dedication bring forth progress
The Varsity Wrestling team started off the season with a home match against Wade Hampton where they lost by a close score of 36-29. Following this match, the Vikings were able to secure the win at Riverside 36-30. After their victory, the Vikings headed to the County wrestling match held at Byrnes. The team earned 69 points to place them 6th out of the 10 competing teams. Place winners were John Mullen (10) – 4th; Owen Caldwell (9) – 4th; Fritz Russell (9) – 4th; Gannon Shepard (12) – 3rd; Banks Mullen (11) – 2nd; Christian Dunn (12) – 2nd; and Joseph Latham (12) – 4th.
That following week, the team went back to Byrnes where they would suffer a loss 75-3. The Vikings then faced Dorman for their last regular season match. After a 57-15 loss to Dorman, the team was not discouraged, and they secured third place at the Region II 5A Qualifiers. Individual qualifiers were Mark Gauthier (9) – 3rd; Bentley Carter (12) – 3rd; Omar Alchab (10) – 4th; Gannon Shepard (12) – 1st; Banks Mullen (11) – 1st; Christian Dunn (12) – 4th; Joseph Latham (12) – 2nd; Matt Smith (12) – 3rd; and Reed Weeks (12) – 4th. Gannon Shepard (12), Banks Mullen (11) and Joseph Latham (12) earning the right to compete at the Upper State Tournament. Gannon Shepard represented the Vikings at the Sate Tournament, where the team finished tied with Rock Hill in 23rd Place.
With an arduous season behind them, the Varsity Wrestling team is already looking forward to next season. “The members of the team are extremely coachable, and the individuals are intrinsically motivated. The team as a whole worked extremely hard this year and showed significant progress,” Coach Gerard Gauthier said.