Students Create Unique Clubs for VikingHour
Students become leaders through different club ideas
Proudly holding up lyrics to one of the “Sound and Sense” club’s songs, Dorothy Salley (11) smiles in excitement for the growth of success that her club has had.
October 14, 2022
With the newly-formed VikingHour, having clubs in school are well worth the time and the effort. Students might have different interests than others, so a great variety of clubs to fit different hobbies is a necessity. Something that SHS has done which is very unique and different than other schools is letting students have the opportunity to form new clubs, based on interest level. This allows students to express their unique opinions and creativity by developing a club to fit their own style.
Assistant Principal David Lawson supports the idea of letting students create their own clubs.
“Students have to find a sponsor and convince classmates to get involved in the club. They have to have a purpose and name for the club, then it can be approved. We let them come to us, and we hear them out with an idea for a club on what they want to do,” Lawson said.
Letting students make the decision to create a club can teach others how to become more independent. Learning how to become independent could boost one’s confidence, which could later benefit one’s everyday life skills. The new clubs show how to develop leadership skills which go beyond what one would experience in the classroom. A classmate’s impact on someone else can make be the biggest change to one’s self. It can motivate others into making their own club on other things one is interested in.
One different and unique club that is new to VikingHour is the “Song and Sense” club. Club members analyze music lyrics during Session A on Mondays. The sponsor is English teacher Jessica Stevens, and she supports the idea of expressing one’s opinions in the club. The students love expressing their feelings about a certain song.
Dorothy Salley (11) started this club and has shown great leadership by inspiring others to make clubs of their own, based on their interests.
“I was inspired to make my club because I love music and the poetry in songs. I thought it would be really cool to get a group of people and study the lyrics in songs together. Everyone listens to poetry but don’t realize it, and most people don’t appreciate it as much as they should. Poetry is in all the songs that we listen to and a lot of lyrics are beautiful when you actually pay attention. I’m really excited for my club and all the different music taste people have,” Salley said.
Another new club that was created for VikingHour is Model UN. During the club time, they spend most of the meetings preparing for a final UN meeting where countries are assigned and given a specific problem that the assembly has to answer.
Dev Patel (12), Nathan Moseley (12) and Eli Waters (12) created this club, and they have tried to make it enjoyable for the classmates who were interested in joining.
“The Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly. It is an excellent opportunity to learn about country-to-country diplomacy. The sponsor is Mr. Anderson, and he makes the club even more interesting and fun,” Waters said.