“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

A timeless comedy following Ferris Bueller’s adventure away from school

Photo courtesy gettyimages.com

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” has turned into a timeless classic spanning over generations.

George Proctor

For this issue of Movie Madness, Will Eaton (12) and George Proctor (11) have chosen a movie capturing the atmosphere towards the final stretch of the school year.

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” follows Ferris Bueller, a carefree senior on a mission to make the most of his time left in high school played by Matthew Broderick; Cameron Frye, Ferris’ anxiety-prone best friend played by Alan Ruck; and Sloane Peterson, Ferris’ girlfriend played by Mia Sara. The story begins with both Cameron and Ferris at home as Ferris is faking being sick, while Cameron is truly ill. Ferris is determined to go on an adventure on his day off, while Cameron refuses due to how sick he is. Finally, after immense convincing from Ferris, he agrees to let him drive them to Chicago in his dad’s priceless car. After picking Sloane up from school, the three embark on a journey to enjoy their day free from school at a baseball game, a giant parade through Chicago and many more incredible experiences.

Ferris is an incredibly relatable character to many high school students as they reach the end of their high school education. He knows that soon the trio will be separated, going to different colleges, and pursuing different careers, which makes him put spending time with them now as his biggest priority. His desperation to make the most of his time now is admirable to everyone that are worried about what may come next in their lives.

The movie beautifully combines the lighthearted comedy prevalent throughout the story with deeper themes such as the concept of the future and change. Ferris’ philosophy that “life moves pretty fast; if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,” perfectly encapsulates the movie’s theme of truly living through every day. The movie’s simple yet incredibly intriguing storyline is one that can entertain viewers through several viewings.

The film’s masterful acting, gripping plot and important lessons give it a strong score of 9/10, certainly proving its title as a timeless watch.