A Chilling Performance

District 7 will be the only school in South Carolina to perform Disney’s “Frozen: The Musical”

Grayson Mann (12) and Addyson Crocker (10), two of the lead actors in “Frozen”, perform during the April 27 performance.

Foster Neely, Student Life Editor

This year, Spartanburg District 7 presented Disney’s “Frozen: The Musical” in the D7 Fine Arts Center. The musical is based on the beloved Disney movie “Frozen”, which was released in 2013. It featured students from elementary and middle schools throughout the district, along with many students from SHS. The show was led by Terry Pruitt as the artistic director, Caroline Pruitt as the director, Helen Tipton as the orchestra director and Bryan Long as the crew leader.

The story in “Frozen” is based on a fairy tale from the famous German 19th century storyteller Hans Christian Andersen called “The Snow Queen”. While the plot in Frozen is more child-friendly and light-hearted, the story of a magical queen is derived from Andersen’s popular fairy tale.

Abby Hogue (12) played Elsa, the powerful sorceress who isolates herself when her powers become too strong.

“I wanted to audition for ‘Frozen’ because I have always loved theatre and I knew that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of such an amazing musical with an amazing cast. Elsa is such a powerful character, and I knew that playing her would push me to be a better performer,” Hogue said.

District 7 was extremely fortunate to be performing “Frozen” this year. Only one school in each state was given the rights to perform the musical, and District 7 was selected out of all the schools in South Carolina. Actors like Oscar Murphy (12) understand the special opportunity, and took advantage of the chance to audition. Murphy played Kristoff, the love interest of Anna, played by Addyson Crocker (10).

“No matter what musical we did I was surely going to audition, but when I found out it was ‘Frozen’ and we’re the only school in the state who got picked I was mind blown and just wished and hoped that I landed a lead role,” Murphy said. “I’ve met so many elementary and middle school kids that look up to me so much, and it honestly motivates me just because I know that they’re watching and that we’re all just rooting for each other.”

Many parts go into the production of a musical, including the work put in by actors, set designers, stage crew and pit musicians. Students from SHS have contributed to each of these categories, and sometimes people working behind the scenes don’t get the recognition they deserve.

Thomas Van Vleet (12) has helped building sets and setting up the stage, and he is also playing trombone in the pit during the production.

“I decided to be on crew so that I could get to learn all of the behind the scenes information and to get experiences with building. My favorite part about being on crew is the problem-solving skills that are needed and how we can be a huge help without being seen,” Van Vleet said.

The musical was performed from Apr. 25- Apr. 30, with three of the four shows being sold out. It was also performed for elementary schoolers, including students from the School for the Deaf and Blind.