Jetting to the ‘Burg

The New York Jets come to Spartanburg to practice with the Carolina Panthers
Waiting eagerly for the snap, the Jets and Panthers get set to compete in the practice.
Waiting eagerly for the snap, the Jets and Panthers get set to compete in the practice.
Photo by F. Neely

On Aug. 9, the New York Jets came to Wofford College in Spartanburg for a joint practice with the Carolina Panthers. This practice was a special event for fans of both teams who live in Spartanburg and the surrounding area. The attraction of these two elite teams grabbed everyone’s attention, drawing in an exhilarating crowd to watch the practice.    

Sadie Bowden (12) is a dedicated Jets fan living in city that supports the “hometown team,” the Carolina Panthers.

“When I went to the practice, I thought it overall went very well and was super fun. The most exciting part of the practice for me was being able to see both NFL teams practice in Spartanburg.  Even though I did not stay for the whole time, I really enjoyed seeing Aaron Rodgers from the Jets the most,” Bowden said.  

According to, over 10,000 fans were eager to make their way to Wofford College to get a glimpse of the two teams in action. The Panthers’ rookie quarterback and number one draft pick, Bryce Young, and Jets superstar quarterback, Aaron Rogers, created a great amount of excitement during the practice. While Rogers drew in the spotlight, the pre-season joint practice gave the players on both sides of the field the opportunity to battle for starting positions or roster spots. Players from both rosters took the chance to compete and make an impression on the coaches, the fans and the media.  

The teams made marked improvement when it came to their performance on the football field, as the training camp was beneficial in teaching players how to correct their mistakes before the season opener. The camp was also a process that made the players learn patience and helped them to develop a growth mindset.  

Kaitlyn Bogan (12) was excited to watch two of her favorite NFL players in person.  

“The practice was super packed. The teams warmed up for like 30 minutes, and then they spilt up into four separate groups for a couple small scrimmages. I enjoyed seeing Aaron Rodgers the most. Another exciting thing was being able to see Bryce Young and Aaron Rodgers in person,” Bogan said.  

Hosting a big market team like the Jets provided the City of Spartanburg the opportunity to show off the “Hub City.” Jets players dined in downtown restaurants, creating a buzz with local NFL fans. Spartanburg gained national attention by being featured on the popular HBO reality sports documentary television series, “Hard Knocks.”  The documentary showed these two determined teams competing with intensity in the Spartanburg August heat, all to the delight of the fans.  

Thomas Cheek (10) is a fan of both NFL teams and saw a preview of the Jets making their way to Spartanburg.  

“Bryce Young is my favorite player because he’s the quarterback for the Panthers, and I’m hoping that he will be great this season. It was so cool seeing the Jets’ buses driving down Main Street with the police escort,” Cheek said. 





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