Pep rallies have been used for decades to build school spirit among students and teachers. This year, with the addition of Dr. Andrew McMillian as principal, Spartanburg High School has implemented more pep rallies to bring the school together. Kiley Painter, Student Council adviser, believes that pep rallies better connects students as they help support the Vikings.
“Pep rallies are all about engaging and connecting with your students and staff. Our goal is to ignite Viking Spirit by celebrating big events, supporting our athletic teams and coming together to rally your grade level to win a fun spirit competition,” Painter said.
This year’s Homecoming pep rally got the students involved by having each class participate in tug-of-war or in a guess-the-song competition. Not only are pep rallies opportunities to connect the student body, but it also gives teams like the Golden Vikettes opportunities to show off their routines that they have been rehearsing all year.
A’Marion Zubair (10) a member of Spartanburg High School’s cheer team, loves performing during the pep rallies and creating more Viking pride.
“Performing at our school pep rallies is where our spirit takes flight, and our cheer team builds the fire that fuels the entire school’s pride! It’s so amazing to get out there and show the school what the cheerleaders are capable of, and I could not be prouder to be a Viking,” Zubai said.
Along with the cheer team, the Viking Step Team and band are able to bring school spirit to the student body in a fun and entertaining way. Whether it’s to celebrate a big win in football or to create an exciting lead up towards a dance, Spartanburg High School’s pep rallies create school spirit in every team, student and teacher.
Putting Pep in Our Step
Spartanburg High pep rallies boost school spirit
Ariella Garrell, Sports Co-Editor
December 13, 2023
Viking Cheerleaders pump up the crowd at the Pep Rally
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Ariella Garrell, Sports Editor